
5 original solutions for furnishing with luxury rugs

By carefully selecting and arranging luxury rugs, you can create a refined ambience that will captivate and fascinate people who enter any home or office.

With luxury rugs, you can always find original solutions to express yourself and make the different rooms in your home sophisticated and recognisable.

Tap into the creativity of rugs that are true works of contemporary art

If you love contemporary art, be inspired by the original design of abstract art rugs and luxury designer rugs. Rugs are just one of the many ways in which designers can give voice to their artistic vein and creativity.

These design gems can help give a precise identity to any room, through their original and unconventional appearance. Often, it is only by taking a closer look at the details that you can see beyond the surface. STUDIO JOBS‘ creations are an excellent example of this. The SNAKE model appears to be a simple round rug with intense, vivid colours; in reality, the design consists of dozens of entangled snakes.

Decorate with special shaped rugs, also made to measure

Changing the shape of the carpet is an immediate way to change the look of the room. You can decide to make small changes, replacing a rectangular carpet with a round one. Or you can decide to make a more radical change. Restricting yourself to the traditional shapes – rectangle, square, oval and circle – is a mistake that is often made when decorating with rugs.

The world of rugs is much more nuanced than it might seem at first glance. Contemporary designers are constantly creating luxury rugs with irregular, more or less abstract shapes. You can also request custom-made rugs and produce a unique pattern based on your own design or idea.

Let yourself be inspired by the different collections of Nodus: you will see that it is possible to successfully furnish a living room with a carpet that reproduces the shape of France (as in the creation NATIONS: FRANCE by Samuele Mazza) or with a carpet that has the shape of a rooster (the ROOSTER model by Estudio Campana). There are so many possibilities.

Hang luxury rugs on the walls of your home

Harnessing the decorative power of rugs by hanging them on the wall is an old tradition that is making a comeback. While rugs were originally placed on the floor, as they provided essential thermal insulation, in modern homes their role is purely decorative. So why not appreciate their design as much as you would a painting?

When making the decision to fix a luxury carpet on a wall in your home, the aspects you need to focus on most are the size of the carpet and the colour scheme used for the design. The size should be chosen by making sure that the proportions of the room are respected and that the combination of carpet and furniture does not look too chaotic. For colours, on the other hand, it is a good idea to choose an artefact that is consistent with the palette chosen for the rest of the house. To be on the safe side, a custom-made carpet can be commissioned, choosing the shape, design and size according to your needs.

Create a stunning visual effect with luxury 3D weave rugs

By weaving and knotting colourful threads, you can create masterpieces that enchant and amaze even years later. An easy way to decorate your home in an original way is to use high-quality rugs that create a three-dimensional effect or optical illusions by intertwining lines.

Luxury rugs of this type can creatively decorate spaces that are more formal on paper, such as the living room or bedroom, as well as spaces that are usually more original, such as the children’s bedroom or the room where you have created a space for games or hobbies.

Explore the variety of original textures

You don’t have to revolutionize the idea of a carpet to get an astonishing result. Sometimes you just need to consider alternative textures. For example, a contemporary designer carpet that takes up the pattern of oriental rugs can become very original if it is offered in a patchwork version. Just one example.

Considering unusual materials can also give the carpet a special effect, which can be ideal for home decoration. In this sense, the shiny effect of silk, viscose or vegetable silks is another good option to consider if you want to add a unique touch to your home with luxury rugs.

Nodus creates prestigious rugs.
Bring luxury into your home!
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Nodus has reinvented the luxury rug. It was in fact the first brand to propose the concept of the rug as a work of contemporary art.
Nodus has always created exclusive products that furnish the most beautiful homes in the world. Do you want to make your home inimitable as a work of art?
Bring a hand knotted rug of the highest quality and design into the spaces of your daily life! Give your family and the people you love the beauty of a dream masterpiece! Every piece of Nodus is designed by famous Designers, making it recognisable and prestigious. In this way, each rug is unique: you will not find another one like it. Like all beautiful and unrepeatable things, one piece in the Nodus collection sets you apart and speaks to others about your taste and elegance. CONTACT US!


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