
How to choose luxury rugs to match the wallpaper in your home

Wallpaper was the star of the most luxurious furnishings throughout the nineteenth century. Gradually, during the 20th century, these decorations gave way to simpler walls, left white or painted with uniformly coloured paints. In recent years wallpaper has been enjoying a second youth and, thanks to its ability to decorate rooms in an original way, it is increasingly chosen by those who want to create a highly personalised home environment.

The return of wallpaper

Textured, satin-finished, with striking floral motifs or geometric patterns: modern wallpapers offer a wider range of choices than ever before. White walls become a kind of canvas to be coloured and treated almost as if it were a work of art.

Wallpapers can be used to give character to any room, to focus on areas of the house that would otherwise be in the background and to define the style of each room more precisely. Thanks to the graphic motifs and colours, all rooms in the house can be enhanced. Covering a small part of the wall with wallpaper gives depth to certain spaces, for example. In other cases, brightly coloured wallpapers can brighten up darker rooms.

The most original wallpapers fit perfectly into a contemporary interior, while wallpapers with a classic design are the best choice for homes furnished in a vintage or retro style.

How to match rugs to wallpapers

Often the difference between a well-decorated room and one that looks chaotic and untidy is the ability to find a balance between the different elements in the room.

In houses with wallpaper on the walls, the search for this balance is even more important, to ensure that the decorated walls stand out at their best and that the whole is harmonious and able to create a welcoming environment in which to spend time.

In such a context, the task of the carpet is to welcome people into the room and encourage them to stay there. The greater the capacity of the carpet to encourage guests to stay, the greater the possibility of admiring the details and the scenic effect created by the wallpaper.

Carpets can work in synergy with wallpapers and amplify the desired decorative effect. If you have chosen large wallpapers, with decorations that cover an entire wall or special finishes that immediately draw the eye to the wall, you should choose carpets that do not steal the show.

For wallpapers with intense colours and made of unusual materials, the general advice is to use carpets in neutral colours, capable of furnishing the room with personality and of supporting the wall decorations. If you still want to give your carpets a touch of originality, you can act on the shape, choosing a round, square or irregular carpet.

If the wallpaper you choose has a simple design and light or pastel colours, you can place a more colourful and elaborately decorated carpet in the room. In this case the point of balance to be sought is to create a coherent overall style. In a room with a wallpaper with a decoration inspired by those of the past, with a romantic air, you can insert a carpet in soft colours, to strengthen the link between the wall and floor decorations. This kind of solution is ideal in a bedroom where you want to create an elegant and at the same time delicate atmosphere.

Wallpapers are also an excellent idea for corridors. Depending on the layout of the house, you can use light-coloured wallpapers or wallpapers with a design that plays on perspectives, if you want to give the impression of a larger or brighter space. You can also choose wallpapers with a gradient tone that ties in with the dominant colours of the rooms connected by the corridor.

Balancing the colour temperatures between the walls and floor is also a good strategy to find the luxury carpets that best match the wallpapers. Cold walls can be warmed up with neutral-coloured carpets that tend towards shades of beige or brown, while bright, warm-coloured wallpapers go well with cool-coloured carpets such as light blue, green and purple.

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