
How to protect your custom-made rug? (The guide with the best tips)

protect your custom-made rug, the best tips on how to preserve the integrity and beauty of your custom-made artefact, defending it from the dangers most often present in a home. In the presence of children and animals, in particular, the likelihood of stains or accidents that could damage the rug pile increases. The main domestic enemy of high-end rugs (custom or standard) is probably moisture. it is important to include a periodic check of the condition of the fibres, especially to ensure that there are no moths

How to protect your luxury carpet

How to protect your luxury carpet.Regular and thorough cleaning is the first weapon at your disposal to maintain the beauty of a high quality carpet. The frequency with which carpets need to be cleaned depends firstly on how many people live in the house and secondly on the environment in which the pieces are placed.After beating and vacuuming the surface, the carpet is washed with mild detergents and water. Professional machinery brushes the fibres to remove stains and impurities.

Importance of Round floor rug and Where you can buy

Round floor rug goal is is to provide a touch of natural, imperfect emphasis and under a table they will help define the space and make it feel more like a separate room. The floor area should be partially, but not entirely, covered by rugs for the finest visual effect. It’s visually pleasing, up-to-date, and trendy while creating a welcoming, cosy environment that’s great for kids and grownups. Long-lasting grip dots increase friction, making the surface less slippery

Indoor rugs : how are they made? How to choose the right model for your interior design project?

Indoor rugs are indispensable decorative elements if you want to achieve a stylistic result that is both elegant and comfortable. They fulfil both a practical and a decorative function. What determines the success of interior design choices when it comes to carpets is often the material used to make them. The shape, colours and design of different indoor rugs are other elements to be considered carefully

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