
How to identify origin rug? Tips to find out the country of origin right away

How to identify origin rug. By checking the design, the type of workmanship and the characteristics of the different parts that make up the piece, one can get a precise idea of its origin and, not infrequently, also of its economic, craft and artistic value. By analysing the back, one can also understand what the density of the knots is and, consequently, what the quality of the specific artefact is. Other useful clues can be obtained by analysing the fringes, thickness and dimensions of the product.

How to make custom rugs? A guide to customising luxury carpets

How to make custom rugs. These carpets allow you to give a unique and personal touch to different rooms in the home. Customisation undoubtedly helps to find the most suitable solution for each room in the house. Custom-made carpets always succeed in giving substance to the wishes of the customer.

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