
Carpet with pattern: how to choose the right model for your furnishing style?

Carpet with pattern is always a good choice to enrich the decor of your home or, more generally, your interior design. you have to carefully select the patterns and colours to be used in your home. These aspects of the carpet have a strong influence on how the room will look and can give the room a very special style. Carpet with patterns can really add a unique touch to the room

Carpets for allergy sufferers: What do they look like? How to choose the best allergy-friendly carpet?

Carpets for allergy sufferers: choosing carpets made of hypoallergenic materials and safe manufacturing processes is the best solution for those who suffer from allergies but do not want to deprive themselves of the beauty and comfort of luxury carpets. The materials to be used are hypoallergenic and natural ones such as wool, organic cotton and bamboo. Wool, cotton and bamboo have excellent breathable properties and are able to absorb moisture, thus helping to keep the home environment healthy and comfortable.

Chemical free carpet: which products are environmentally and health-friendly?

chemical free carpet. you are not only dealing with the environmental consequences of your purchase, but also and above all with the quality of the air you breathe in your home. they are available in many different colours and designs. Whatever your project, it is easy to find the ideal solution. Carpets made without any harmful or damaging substances can be placed in all rooms, inside or outside the home.

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