Pietro Derossi
Born in Turin, Italy, where he graduated at the Faculty of Architecture.
He has the chair of Architectonic design at the Milano Polytechnic University.
Visiting professor at the Architectural School of the Architectural Association in London.
Indentured Professor at the Pratt Institute and at the Columbia University of New York.
Indentured Professor at the Architecture Faculty of the Losanna Polytechnic.
Visiting professor at the Hochschüle der Künste of Berlin.
Scientific Manager of the XIV Milan Triennal.
Academic San Luca.
In 1995, the Derossi Associates was founded, which was completed with the participation of the architects Paolo Derossi and Davide Derossi
Main publications:
“Modernità senza avanguardia” – Quaderni di Lotus – Electa Ed.- Milan 1988; “Fare la differenza” – Milan Triennal Ed. – Milan 1998; “Per un’architettura narrativa” –Skira Ed. – Milan 2000; “Racconti di architettura” –Skira Ed.- Milan 2006.
Main exhibitions: New York, The Museum of Modern Art (M.O.M.A.). “Italy – New domestic Landscape” – 1972; Milan, XVII Triennale. “Le case della Triennale: La casa per lavorare” – 1983; Berlin, “Internationale Bauausstellung Berlin. (I.B.A.)” – 1987; Turin, Racconti di Architettura – Fonzazione Merz – 2006; Venice X Biennale
di Venezia. “Città. Architettura e società” – 2006.