custom rugs

Made to measure rugs for retro style furniture: a guide to choice

Made to measure rugs for retro style furniture have a precise task: to complete the supply of cosy and timeless-looking elements typical of this interior design style. They are still popular today also because they expressly refer to this type of art. it is important to check that the carpet chosen also fits well with the type of flooring in the room and the colours of the walls.

Made to measure rugs for rustic style furniture: a guide to choosing them for every room

Made to measure rugs for rustic style furniture make it possible to create cosy and warm environments in which it is pleasant to spend time. luxury rugs can embellish and complete the decoration of various rooms. As far as materials are concerned, wool is at the top of the list of those most suitable for this type of project. Their choice is never a problem, as long as you follow the right advice and opt for products consistent with the interior designer’s project.

Made to measure rugs for vintage style furnishings

made to measure rugs for vintage style furnishingscan achieve beautiful results in terms of aesthetics and comfort. Vintage is characterised by being one of the most versatile and changeable furnishing styles of all. a contemporary carpet, ideal for those who wish to highlight their design choices and want to emphasise the capability of vintage pieces. Regarding the shape and colours of the carpet, there are no particular constraints

Made-to-measure sisal rugs: versatile, robust handicrafts with great personality

made-to-measure sisal carpets are perfect for those who have decided to furnish their home with furniture made from natural, sustainable materials. Sisal is a fibre that is obtained from these leaves is particularly strong and durable, but is also easy to work with. Customised sisal carpets can be made in a wide range of shapes and sizes. To be able to define the right size of the carpet, one must calculate the correct proportions in relation to the size of the room or outdoor space to be furnished

Modern handmade rugs: somewhere between tradition and contemporary works of art

Modern handmade rugsare a perfect synthesis of tradition and innovation. they have their roots in tradition, but have then followed an evolutionary path of their own, which has led them to become interpreters of the needs of contemporary life. representing a product category characterised by a high degree of variability, one can try to identify some common features in this particular category of artefacts. they can become what is known in the jargon as a “statement piece”.

Tailor-made rugs for contemporary style furniture

Tailor-made rugs for contemporary style furniture how to choose them. Sizes and shapes can be adapted. luxury carpets are meant to warm up the atmosphere and add an accent of colour. Various solutions can also be considered for materials. It will be possible to create the customised carpet that is perfect for each individual space.

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