
Hand knotted rugs for sale: how to choose the best model according to your furnishing needs?

Hand knotted rugs for sale. Those without experience in the field may find it difficult to distinguish a high-quality artefact from a piece made of fibres intended to last only a few years, or to identify an original Oriental design and assess its value. It is always advisable to make a careful visual analysis of the artefact. The presence of irregularities in the design is a positive aspect. one should weigh up the pros and cons for each piece and check the ability of the individual artefact to meet the wishes

Hand knotted rugs Pakistan: what characteristics do they have? What furnishings to match them with?

Hand knotted rugs Pakistan have craftsmen who are renowned for their mastery in the art of carpet knotting. these handicrafts have been influenced on the one hand by Turkmen production and on the other by Indian production. they are made of wool, but there are also pieces in cotton, hemp, jute and carpets in a mix of wool and silk. they are famous for their durability and the beauty of the decorative motifs

Handmade indian carpet: what are its characteristics? How to include it in a furnishing project?

Handmade indian carpetrepresent the highest expression of this thousand-year-old art. they are characterised by impressive floral decorations and the use of bright colours. In the most precious models, the workmanship is so precise that the flowers appear to be painted. the best quality models are made of wool from animals living on the Kashmir plateau. Thanks to the craftsmanship, handmade indian carpetcan be made in any format, size and shape

Handmade Persian rugs: a complete guide to choosing

Handmade Persian rugs are among the most popular solutions for those who choose to complete the furnishings of their home with a luxury artefact. In addition to their colour, what makes handmade Persian rugs unmistakable and precious are the materials from which they are made. Furnishing with Persian rugs made by Iran’s most skilled knotters is always a winning choice.

Handmade rug designs, what are and why are so precious?

Handmade rug designs are a popular flooring option and can be incredibly soothing to the feet and mind. There are a variety of rug patterns to choose from, which can be designed to fit your specific needs. the size of the carpet, which will determine how often it needs to be refreshed and how much money you’ll want to spend on it. Depending on the style of your room, you can choose between contemporary, traditional, or geometric pattern. Also, consider how much money you’ll be spending on your rug – compared to other pieces in your home.

Handmade rug from India, a great tradition and quality.

Handmade rug from india These rugs are made by skilled artisans who have been making them for generations. Handmade rugs can be made from various materials, including wool, cotton, and silk. the craftsmanship is evident in each unique piece. Handmade rugs add character and warmth to any room and are works of art.ther are several reason to buy them.

Handmade Rugs From Nepal, the soul of orient textile.

Handmade Rugs From Nepal, are known for their high quality and beautiful designs. Making a hand-knotted rug is incredibly labor-intensive and can take months or even years. The traditional style of a Nepalese carpet is the “Malla” design. Nepalese rugs are handmade by skilled artisans using traditional methods passed down through generations. Nepalese rug is to select the highest quality wool yarns. The carpets are of high quality and will last for many years.

Handmade turkish rug, centuries of tradition

handmade turkish rug is a work of art. They are often very intricate, and they can add a touch of elegance to any room. They are made by skilled artisans who use traditional methods to create these masterpieces. These rugs are usually decorated with geometric patterns and are very durable. When you choose them: size, pattern, colours, budget and even the dealer. Handmade Turkish rugs are made from natural fibers such as wool, silk, and cotton. The rugs are made from high-quality materials and are available in various colors and designs.

Himalayan rugs: how are they made and why are they so successful?

Himalayan rugs are among the finest of all the patterns produced in the East. The very high quality of these artefacts is due in part to the use of fine wool yarns and in part to the workmanship done by Tibetan craftsmen. A specific knot is used in the production of Himalayan rugs, which results in a very tightly knotted rug. Himalayan rugs not only have great solidity and a remarkable

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