
Round luxury rugs: complete guide to choice

Round luxury rugs represent a fusion of craftsmanship, design and fine materials and can transform the character of any room. ability to transform space. Thanks to their flowing shapes and sophisticated designs, these textiles can capture attention without weighing down the room. In fact, their value can grow over time, especially when it comes to products that have been crafted from the finest materials and using state-of-the-art craftsmanship techniques.

Round rug under bed: how to choose the right piece for your room?

Round rug under bed can be a great solution to bring a breath of fresh air and dynamism to the space. These models are suitable for any type of bedroom. The size of the item will in fact differ depending on whether there is a standard, king-size or queen-size bed in the room. As a general rule, sober and relaxing colours are preferred for bedroom carpets,

Rug  styles: how many are there? How do they fit into different furnishings?

Rug  styles have a profound influence on the appearance of these products and their ability to transform domestic spaces. Some of the main rug  styles are classic and modern, contemporary and ethnic, industrial and artistic. To identify the right styles for one’s needs, one must first assess the general style of the home. Secondly, you need to think about the characteristics of the different materials.

Rug design ideas: a guide to customised rug design

rug design ideas Traditional rugs, such as oriental rugs, are always a good source of inspiration. . The ideal design is therefore one that fits the context, frequency of use and type of furniture. The design of the rug should always enhance the characteristics of the space in which it will be placed.

Rug for a small living room: how to choose the most suitable model for the individual room?

Rug for a small living room is a great challenge that puts interior designers to the test. a rug with the correct proportions and colours that suit the room can make the space more welcoming and bright and helps to build an elegant and well-cared-for atmosphere. The choice of rug material for a small living room is equally important. Fibres such as cotton or wool offer a feeling of warmth and comfort without overloading the atmosphere of the location.

Rug over carpet bedroom: all the tips for a perfect solution

Rug over carpet bedroommay seem bizarre, in reality there are several occasions when it proves to be the right choice and makes the room even more comfortable and cosy. When deciding to place a rug over carpet bedroom, one must also make sure that the artefact is stable, so as to prevent it from falling or moving. As far as the shape is concerned, one can think of a large rectangular rug or perhaps dare with a round piece.

Rug pile : how to choose the thickness of the individual piece according to design requirements?

Rug pile  is indeed an element that has a great influence on the appearance of a rug, but also on the daily use experience. The rug pile can vary greatly from case to case and depends mainly on the processing technique used and the type of material used. To decide what is most suitable, the first thing to consider is the practicality of the different products being considered.

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