
Carpet with pattern: how to choose the right model for your furnishing style?

Carpet with pattern is always a good choice to enrich the decor of your home or, more generally, your interior design. you have to carefully select the patterns and colours to be used in your home. These aspects of the carpet have a strong influence on how the room will look and can give the room a very special style. Carpet with patterns can really add a unique touch to the room

Comfortable rugs for living room: how to choose them? How to include them in a furnishing project?

Comfortable rugs for living room, based on the characteristics of the room, carpets of different sizes and styles can be placed in the room, several carpets can be placed on top of each other or customised models can be chosen. The creation of a cosy and comfortable living room depends above all on the choice of comfortable and context-suitable carpets. the materials used play a key role in determining the feeling of softness and comfort. They must have colours and patterns that are well balanced with each other and with the other furnishings in the room.

Contemporary carpeting: a guide to choosing the ideal carpets for different home environments

Contemporary carpeting is a major player in modern interior design. it can, for example, make a room appear more spacious or brighter, or exploit the optical illusions provided by the design of the artefacts. It is capable of giving depth to the room and can create an impactful result. After defining which yarns are best, it is a good idea to spend some time choosing the most suitable colours for one’s ambience.

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