Materials and techniques

Custom-made carpets made of vegetable fibres: what do they look like? How do they fit into different interior design projects?

Custom-made carpets made of vegetable fibres are the optimal choice for those who wish to decorate the floors of their homes with eco-friendly and also sustainable products. Robustness is one of the main advantages of custom-made carpets made from plant-based materials. Biodegradable and non-polluting fibres are selected for the creation of these models. By making careful choices, it is possible to furnish with an eco-friendly carpet that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Durable area rug: what are the criteria that identify a durable carpet?

Durable area rug is specially designed to withstand time and wear and offer numerous benefits, both from a practical and design point of view. In addition to being easy to clean, this carpet is also easy to maintain. wool is an optimal choice, since it is a natural fibre that is resistant to wear and tear and has the inherent ability to repel dirt.

Eco friendly area rugs ultimate guide top features

eco friendly area rugs their features, and how to choose a theme. Dye, glue, and flame retardants are a few of the sources of toxicity in today’s rug supply. Wool is renewable and abundant, making it the ultimate sustainable material. While rugs made from synthetic materials such as acrylic, rayon (fake silk) and polyester are cheaper, the quality is lower and can be detrimental to the environment.

Eco-friendly Sustainable Area Rugs

Sustainable Area Rugs has become increasingly crucial as the earth confronts the atmospheric crisis and environmental destruction. no-odor&exceptionally durable, this area rug is precise for you. It’s also a nice option for homes and pet holders. Sustainability means fulfilling our necessities without compromising the proficiency of area rug productions to fulfill their desires

Extra large outdoor rugs: what do they look like? How to choose the right model for your project?

Extra large outdoor rugs offer a wide range of possibilities for enriching and transforming outdoor spaces in the home. Carpet models made of nylon are great for outdoor locations because they are durable and hard-wearing, but also easy to lay and look good. When it comes to purchasing these outdoor carpets, it is important to identify models that stand out in terms of quality and appearance

Hand knotted area rugs: what are they? How to make the right choice for every room in the house?

Hand knotted area rugs are among the most popular and most valuable textile models. Knowing the characteristics of these carpets is therefore important, in order to be able to recognise high-quality models. They are produced in an artisanal manner and each carpet is made up of thousands or millions of knots In this sense, the higher the number of knots per square metre, the more the carpet is considered to be of high quality. are able to give a special touch to the room, thus creating an elegant and timeless atmosphere.

Hand knotted Gabbeh rugs: what characteristics do they have? How to choose them?

Hand knotted Gabbeh rugs are beautiful artefacts from southern Iran. They are among the most distinctive and fascinating Oriental products, thanks to the characteristic patterns and motifs on their surface. are among the most interesting artefacts from present-day Iran. Their benefits are numerous and have to do with both their aesthetic appearance and their functionality.

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