Materials and techniques

Maintenance of custom carpets: how to preserve the beauty of custom luxury carpets over time?

Maintenance of custom carpets. intervene promptly in the event of problems and prevent damage that can ruin the pile of the carpet, causing even irreparable consequences. Maintaining your luxury carpet well is one of the secrets to keeping it beautiful and functional for a long time. Cleaning the carpet properly forms a large part of its maintenance programme. You simply need to understand how to do it and, at the very least, know which professionals to entrust your precious artefact to.

Material for outdoor rug: how to make the right choice?

Material for outdoor rug, several factors must be taken into consideration. First of all, one must consider the location in which the artefact will be placed. The traffic that the carpet will have to withstand must also be taken into due consideration. The availability of various materials that can be used to make beautiful outdoor carpets makes it easier to find the optimal solution for each contest

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